By ESA Administrator
05th February 2022
An Exciting Update from the ISA Viola Committee
Use the link below to access this new resource list of repertoire gathered and collated by the ISA Violin Committee.
Many thanks to the Viola Teachers around the globe that assisted in this project.
Suggested Supplementary Viola Repertoire List Books 6, 7, 8, 9
This suggested supplemental Viola Repertoire list project began in 2019, and was compiled collaboratively between the ISA and SAA Viola Committees with additional input from Suzuki Viola Teachers worldwide.
While not definitive, it represents some of the beloved standard works in the Viola repertoire, including many compositions from the 20th and 21st centuries.
ISA Viola Committee
Elizabeth Stuen-Walker, SAA and Chair
Mysie Ferguson, ESA
Mio Noguchi, TERI
Lois Shepheard, PPSA
SAA Viola Committee
Elizabeth Stuen-Walker, Chair
Julia Hardie
April Losey
Joanne Martin
Denise Willey