
Centrum Edukacji Suzuki (CES)

ul. Sienkiewicza 7, 05-080 Izabelin, Poland



  • Country Director

    Bartosz Henrych

  • Deputy Country Director

    Małgorzata Simon

  • Treasurer

    Małgorzata Simon

  • Administrator

    Piotr Just

  • Secretary

    Iwona Blacha

  • Annual General Meeting

    01st June 2024

  • Chair

    Bartosz Henrych

  • Deputy Chair

    Małgorzata Simon

  • Other Board Members

    Iwona Blacha

    Dorota Pawlus

    Paweł Panasiuk

  • National Teacher Training Courses

    Piano - Eva Guz-Seroka

    Violin - Anna Podhajska

    Violoncello - Eulàlia Subirà

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